Sacred Marriage
Pastor Charles will be preaching from Matthew 19:1-12 and sharing what it means to have a sacred marriage. The three main points that Pastor Charles will focus on are:
Marriage is about the Gospel
Marriage is intended to be lifelong
Marriage is for God’s Kingdom
Discussion Questions:
What do you think are some reasons why marriages fall apart? Make a list. From the list you have put together, what do you think are the top three reasons? Discuss. What are some things singles and married couples can do to prevent those divorce traps?
Read Matt 19:1-12. Pharisees asked, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife on any grounds?" In light of the text, how does God feel about marriage? Share and Discuss. Why is it important that God's people view marriage as a sacred institution? Discuss. Pragmatically speaking, how can a bad marriage or high divorce rate impact society negatively? Discuss.
Read Eph 5: 31-32. In what ways does marriage reflect God's relationship with His people? How do you think it coveys or affirms the gospel? Share. In light of its significance, with what attitude should we approach weddings? Share. How can we make weddings more God-glorifying and/or celebrating the gospel? Share.
Marriage was intended to be lifelong. How does this reflect the gospel? Discuss. How can marriages be more kingdom oriented? Discuss and share. What are some obstacles in leading our families to be more kingdom focused? Do you think our children and marriages can become an idol? Discuss.
Take some extended time to pray for the marriages in our church and for godly marriages to be experienced. And pray that whether single or married, we would be about the Kingdom of God.