Thank you for your interest in becoming an Official Church Member at Acts Fellowship Church.  

At Acts, we believe that is it God's calling for all believers to be plugged into a local church to better worship, grow, and take part in God's redemptive work in the world. 

Upcoming Dates:



    1.  To Affirm God’s Will

    God places members in the local church for His purposes.  We are just acknowledging it.

    • Romans 12:4-5

    4 Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

    • 1 Corinthians 12:18-20

    18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.

    Being a member acknowledges that it is God who brought us to be a part of this church.

    2.  To Help Determine the Direction of the Ministry

    Members of the church will have opportunities to give direct input on various decisions that we make as a church.  It wouldn’t make sense for someone who does not take ownership of the ministry to give their input and influence those decisions.

    3.  To Raise Up Leaders

    Leaders of the church will come from the membership, as they are the ones taking ownership of the ministry.

    4.  To Provide Accountability and Encouragement

    Members will receive accountability and encouragement to grow and live their lives as genuine followers of Jesus Christ.  We place high standards for members in fulfilling the 3 Greats: the Great Commandment, the Great Community, and the Great Commission.

    5.  To Represent the Church 

    The members directly represent this church to our community and world.


    1. Having been born-again, personally accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

     (a) Admitting that you are a sinner and asking God for forgiveness of your sins through Jesus Christ in genuine repentance, turning away from sin and turning to God.  

    (b) Believing that Jesus is God who came to earth, being fully God and fully man, to die on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins and rising on the 3rd day.

    (c) Calling Jesus the Lord of your life and following Him in obedience, not just saying a one-time prayer

    2. Having been baptized identifying yourself with Christ

    3. Having attended Acts Fellowship faithfully for a minimum of 3 months

    4. Displaying a godly lifestyle and character

    5. Fully supporting the God-given ministry of the pastoral staff

    6. Having the endorsement of your Lighthouse leader (or another leader in some circumstances)


If you are invited to become an Official Member of Acts Fellowship Church, here are the expectations and ongoing requirements for all members:

(1) Represent God well by intentionally living out the Christian life  

(2) Seek to nurture your personal relationship with God through consistent study of God’s Word

(3) Faithfully attend Sunday worship regularly and punctually  

(4) Support and pray for the church, the pastors, their families, and their teaching ministry regularly  

(5) Strive to faithfully tithe (at least the first 10% of your income) to the church  

(6) Use your spiritual gifts to serve this church in a sacrificial and meaningful way (and discuss with your Lighthouse Leader or a Pastor / Steering Advisor if you are planning to refrain from serving for a specific reason and season in your life)

(7) Be involved in missions by giving, praying, and seeking to go on mission trips when able.

(8) Proactively share the Gospel and invite others who are unchurched to come to church  

(9) Strive to participate in forming a loving community and not participate in gossip in any way

(10) Seek to resolve conflicts with others in the church quickly and aid others to do the same

(11) Strive to keep one another accountable, especially fellow members, by committing to not turning a blind-eye to someone in sin, but instead follow the guidance given in Matthew 7:1-5 and Matthew 18:15-20 or inform leadership so they can take appropriate steps

(12) Submit to and accept disciplinary actions from the Leadership (the Pastors and Steering Advisors)

(13) Commit to not having dual or simultaneous church memberships at another church

(14) Commit to involve leadership if ever considering changing churches by

(1) sharing with your Lighthouse Leader and a Pastor / Steering Advisor,

(2) praying together with leadership for at least 2 months to seek God’s direction together, and

(3) then prayerfully making a final decision and sharing that decision with leadership.