Born Again

This week, Pastor Jin will be sharing from John 3 about the famous conversation that happened between Nicodemus and Jesus. For Nicodemus, he assumed and believed all his life that he had a place in the kingdom of God. He’s a ruler of the Jews. He has a lot to offer to the table of religion if you will. But Jesus would tell him that he’s not and that no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they’re born again. Matter of fact, the world loves the darkness more than the light. So the question Pastor Jin will be asking is are we indeed born again? Or do we love the darkness? To be born again means we must believe in Jesus because only He is the anchor and hope of our lives. Do we firmly believe in that?

Discussion Questions:

Read through John 3:1-21.

  1. Who is Nicodemus (John 3:1-2)? How do you identify with him? Explain.

  2. What is the darkness that is captivating your heart today? What is keeping you from looking to Christ? Share.

  3. New birth is purely the act of God’s grace. It is the working of the Holy Spirit that brings this change of heart. It brings conviction to sin (awareness of the darkness within oneself) and causes one to look to Christ (the Light). Those around us can see the result of the new heart. The new heart will beat differently than our old one. We saw that this was the case in Nicodemus (John 7:50-51, 19:49-42). What results have you seen in others or yourself who’s been born again? Share a story/testimony of God’s grace powerfully working in your life.

  4. Do you have this new heart? What are some ways that we can continue to keep each other accountable as a group to live according to this new heart? How will you spend your life, time and energy in fostering your relationship with God in light of God’s grace? (2 Corinthians 5:16-21)

  5. Pray for your LH’s new heart. Pray that everyone will live according to their new heart, as new creations in Christ.


New Mexico Mission Testimonies


One Way Jesus