The Story of Redemption

What to Expect: Dive into the heart of biblical narratives and explore key themes that shape our faith journey:

πŸ“œ Lesson 1: Unveiling God's Design - From Creation to Brokenness
πŸ“œ Lesson 2: Sovereign Authority and Unconditional Love
πŸ“œ Lesson 3: Holiness, Sinfulness, and God's Perfect Standard
πŸ“œ Lesson 4: Acceptance, Repentance, and Living Faith
πŸ“œ Lesson 5: Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled in Christ
πŸ“œ Lesson 6: Jesus: The Pathway to Relationship and Redemption
πŸ“œ Lesson 7: Triumph of the Resurrection: Ultimate Proof of God's Power
πŸ“œ Lesson 8: Eternity Awaits: Choosing Life with Jesus

Who's Invited: Whether you're a believer seeking deeper insights or someone exploring faith's foundations, all are welcome! The journey is open to both men and women.

Why Join: The Story of Redemption is more than a studyβ€”it's an opportunity to grasp God's purpose in salvation and your part in His grand narrative. Scripture readings are encouraged but not obligatory, fostering an environment of discovery and growth.

Please RSVP by 9.4.2023